Autonomous Fire

Anyone who knows me as a simmer knows I’m all about autonomy. I will spend ages setting things up to play, so I don’t have to play. 🙂

What I mean is I enjoy designing a lot/scene/story so that Sims will do as much as possible autonomously and, hopefully, surprise me. For me, it’s a puzzle where, when you get it right, it comes alive!

Well, my first autonomous mod was this autonomous Logs of Burning because I had a lot of camping sims who were cold, uncomfortable, and hungry, but did nothing to start the campfire. Silly sims!

This replaces the Maxis logs of burning. Your sims can now add logs, start fire, warm themselves, and roast marshmallows on their own. One will allow visitors to also use the fire and one will not, so choose the one you prefer.


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