Zombie Apocalypse Mod and Challenge

It seemed like a nice gesture, just a welcome gift for the new neighbors…


Little did they know…


…a deadly virus would jump from Humble’s computer to sims and ravage the population. Only the children are immune….


…but the children are aging.

A Dead Simple Zombie Apocalypse Challenge:
Rid the hood of zombies before the last child ages up to become a victim.

I don’t have the patience for challenges with a lot of rules, myself (though I love watching other people do them!), so I created this very simple, almost-autonomous challenge and, I have to say, it was the most I’ve EVER laughed playing Sims. 🙂

Way back in 2017, I had an idea to create a hood where “something” would take over. I thought, at first, it would just be a different culture, blending, or aliens… I thought of vampires, but all of it came together when I decided to go with

Z O M B I E S.

Pescado had an old mod, zombieapoc, but it required thefightclub. Now, even in movies, I’ve been known to fast forward through fight scenes and these fights, with this mod… well, they are looooooooong. But the bigger issue for me was that I wanted my takeover to be totally autonomous. If you hang out with my stuff for any length of time, you know that I don’t like rules (see above) and I love autonomy.

Well, despite what some people say about how this mod behaves in their games, it did not, at all, not once, allow zombies to Eat Brains autonomously in my game. They did attack and fight autonomously, but those are the regular Maxis actions.

So, early in 2018, I tweaked this mod considerably to make my own version, and, honestly, it was the most fun I’d had in Sims in years.

I removed the need for fightclub, making the fights blessedly short. I made the mod truly autonomous. I changed motive fulfillment to make zombies more zombie-like, which means zombies won’t be taking showers and cooking mac&cheese. Instead, if they are hungry or sleepy or dirty… they will EAT BRAINS. I also changed what happens to the zombie victim, so that when a sim changes, their personality and skills change, too, because, no, I don’t want to watch a highly skilled zombie cleaning a toilet.

I paired my tweak with RealSickness so the zombies would sometimes die (get this one, the original file has an error so that it’s always deadly), especially if they were sloppy and allowed roaches to roam, which, of course, zombies do. I added in NeverWatchFights (second file) because cheering fights in a zombie apocalypse is stupid. And I made sure KidsandPetsUnattended was in, so our poor little darlings could all be left orphaned. 🙁 😀

This was super fun. I used the SimTransformer to make Zombie Patient Zero, and it took off from there on its own very quickly. (In the interest of SimScience, I thoroughly tested this, and it makes no difference which method you use to create your first zombie. See earlier link for documentation on MTS.)

One of the most fun parts of this for me was playing a child. Because children are not turnable, my little sim tried so hard to get her silly adult inside behind locked doors so she wouldn’t be turned by passing zombies, ‘cuz… you know… someone’s gotta survive to cook the mac&cheese… but, alas… the school bus came…. 🙂

ADDED: Sometime later, MidgetheTree released a zombieapoc mod, and I haven’t looked inside to see how it works, but she’s entirely awesome, so it’s probably amazing. Either mod will probably work. I’m not patient enough to follow a lot of rules so I’m calling this a Dead Simple Challenge (TM pending – lol). Start with a hood you don’t mind turning into a limping blue disaster, make one zombie, pair an autonomous zombieapoc tweak/mod with the others and the idea that only children will be left with the clock ticking and run with it….

Zombie Apocalypse!!

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