Marka93’s Old Town Fixed

Marka’s OldTown is a great concept and has been downloaded thousands of times, but it has broken memories that Hoodchecker can’t fix.

Back in June, a simmer in my FB group asked about these, so I fixed the memories manually in SimPE. From my fixed version, I created a clean subhood, as well. I’ve done absolutely nothing else to this hood. It is as Marka made it, otherwise.

Marka has now given permission to share my versions, so here they are, both main and subhood versions. Another simmer on MTS asked how to get Marka’s Sims into this great Old Town recreation of Kalisa’s, so I’ve also created that version using my fixed subhood.

Marka93 Old Town Fixed – Main


Marka93 Old Town Fixed – Subhood

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