A Favorite Hangout with Great CC Links

I love to sit by the pool on a hot summer evening, retro tunes from the speakers on the restrooms, lights glittering on the splash from last kid’s cannon ball. Ah…

Just a fun screenshot, a photo of the Newson kids enjoying a summer evening swim in my Widespot (before the “incorporation” public pool where Trent Traveller is the lifeguard (later this becomes an… issue… stay tuned!). I believe we’ve caught him fussing at that guy over there who looks like heโ€™s about to pee in the pool. ๐Ÿ™‚

My pool has a few bits of CC, mods, and tweaks I made, as well. It’s a reno of the original pool lot in Widespot including ankoyume’s In and Out Spot, one of the best examples, imo, of original Sim animation. I also use the pee anywhere mod and Maylin’s beachballs. Although they are actually chairs, I use them here as deco and make them float in the pool with underground OMSPs. In addition, I have rebecah’s Swim Tube and crispsandkerosene’s Sno-Cone machine that I have made autonomous.

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