New Terrain for Your Veronaville

I’ve always felt that Veronaville got stuck with a most unfortunate terrain. It’s just… not pretty, and I prefer that my terrain supply the scenery and background rather than use extra skyboxes or horizons. If you feel the same, have I got a makeover for you!

Because, really, we can do better than this, right? Right!

This is a clean, empty hood with a new terrain, slightly adjusted roads, and tidied deco that fits around the vanilla hood’s lots and roads, so, with Hood Replace, you can have a new look in a Veronaville you are already playing.

Put the hood, VERR, in your regular Sims 2 Neighborhoods folder where you have Veronaville (usually N003). Back up your Veronaville. Before replacement, the hood is clean and empty. Take a look around and see if you like the changes I made. (You can, of course, use this to build a custom hood. It’s just a regular clean, empty hood.)

When ready, exit the game and use Hood Replace to replace the parts you want. You can choose all or keep your deco and/or roads if you like. Notice the slight adjustment to the road that makes the bridge line up better with the roads and river.

Let Hood Replace fix elevation. (I didn’t click bridges because this bridge is just deco.) If you don’t have a lot of extra lots or deco, this should be all you need. I tried mightily to make everything fit nicely without changes to the original hood. If any of your extra lots need to be adjusted, though, usually, you can just pick them up and let them down again to snap them into place.

I didn’t get fancy with hood deco. I mostly just moved trees out of the water and tidied up so you wouldn’t have to. I did get rid of the aqueduct because it just didn’t look right to me. You can add it back, of course.

If you don’t like the changes, you can always roll back to your backup or use Hood Replace or Lot Adjuster to fix things. None of this can harm your sims or hood, but… you backed up, right?

I have Nopke’s Blurryskies DR in for pics, no other CC. I noticed that Criquette’s embankments fit quite nicely in this hood, though, so I might try those in my own version.

VERR – New Verona Terrain

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