Wall to Match Maxis Stone Fence

Apparently, I’m still obsessed with tiny details for my Rest Stop. This time I needed a wall to match my fence.To me, if I see stone on a wall or fence, I like to assume that this is the type of stone found in the local area, so anything made with stone should seem to match that. For my obsessively detailed Highway Rest Stop, I needed a wall to go with the Farmer Thompson stone fence, so I made one. Someone in our Sims 2 FB group asked for it, so here it is.

I used the texture from the fence itself to make a new wall, but there’s very little texture there to work with, so it was a bit of a photo manipulation job and it’s not perfect, but it’s not half bad. I’ve even fixed that tiny bit you see in the pic where one brick on the top border is a bit too light. All blendy-inny now. If anyone makes another version of this or knows of one, please share.

Hmmm, now about that window….

Farmer Thompson Wall

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