Crocodile Default Alien Eyes

I’ve never played aliens because I just can’t get into the cartoony green bug-eyed ones in the game. So, of course, I’m making my own!

I-Osfer-ra is the prototype for my alien species. (Of course, I-Osfer-ra is her status name. We don’t know her personal name. That’s not something she shares with strangers.)

She’s got my new default alien eye. Not a new idea, but my aliens evolved from reptiles, hence, these eyes are made from actual crocodile eyes… well, pics of them, anyway. I use Nouk’s Sharp Eye defaults for Sims so wanted to make an alien eye that fits in with that set, so this is a bit realistic, but not too much, and uses 1024×1024 textures, like Nouk’s do.

I-Osfer-ra uses a skin I’m working on, a gender/age variant of Genensims Lizard skin where I’m adding Trapping’s pointy teeth and modifying the face to use her type of features.

I don’t have a name, yet, for this species, but the females are agile and daring warriors while the males are rather fat and lazy because they spend so much time pregnant. They’ve come to Sim-earth in a last ditch effort to save themselves from extinction, so we’ll see how that works out for them.

Anywho… here is a new crocodile-style default alien eye.

Crocodile Alien Eye Default

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