Broom & Dustpan – Upcycled CC

I really enjoy working with some of the older creations from the community to make them new again. This new mesh was inspired by, and incorporates, an old object I’ve enjoyed in my game for years.

This simple broom by charly1 (tarox4sims – find on the graveyard in the Landleben file) could be found leaning via angled OMSP on many of my community lots. You know… for when business slows down so the employees make themselves useful (I like imaginary realism. 🙂 )

Here’s the original broom in my skating rink, Rollers.

The original broom and its texture are still here, but the object leans all by itself now and now has a custom shadow! I’m pretty proud of that shadow, because I figured out a new technique for making the shape and also how to make it stay up even in cutaway view. In case you’ve never noticed (I hadn’t), wall shadows do not show at all on any wall if you are in cutaway view… which, of course, is how many people play all the time.

Well, my lovely shadow stays up, so it looks this awesome all the time! But, only if you place it indoors, next to a wall, as intended. Elsewhere, it’ll look ridiculous.

The dustpan I’ve added is entirely new. I found a full-sized 3D printable type model (which was utterly hilarious next to the teeny tiny broom), scaled and modified it, added the little knob on top, mapped, textured, etc., and 47 hours later, voilà!

So, I know it’s a bit of an intro, here, for a simple object, but this is the first new object I’ve made since learning Blender that I’m really pleased with, so I’ve a soft spot for it. I hope you all enjoy it!

Broom & Dustpan

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