Justa Deco Door

I know there have been other deco doors, but I wanted one with a door jamb that would be very easy to place on the wall.

Great for design accents in tight spots, imaginary hallways, and fake closets, these Maxis-match deco doors are actually paintings. They are found in Paintings for my signature $44. New meshes made from Maxis resources, they include their door jambs and will snap to the wall with quarter tile enabled so you can center them more easily. They will appear inset with a slight shadow at the bottom as if they are real doors, but sims will totally ignore them. A north and south facing version is included, and they are repositoried to their Maxis look-alike (RP2MX) to pick up your recolors.


Sunrader Painted JustADoor


Justa Door Knob

I’ve never thought the Justa door knob looks right on this kind of lightweight interior door. In my experience doors like this, especially for closets, have a simple round knob, so I’ve created a second set with a recolorable round knob.


This door is available in both functional and deco versions, RP2MX. Both are in the zip file.


Sunrader Justa Closet Door


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