Pleasanter View Bridge

New sizes for my Pleasanter View Bridge, my Maxis-match bridge visible from lots, the shorter one matches the game bridge in Sedona and Widespot and the longer replaces the game bridge in Riverblossom.


As with my Pleasantview version, you can either place this over your game generated one so you don’t need to change anything at all in the hood, or you can use Hood Replace to delete the game generated one and place this one in the space.

If you do want to use Hood Replace, see the original post for how to delete the game bridge, but I tweaked the placement of this one pretty well, so you should not need to replace roads or terrain to make it work, just delete the bridge and you’re good to go. Back up first, as always.


Sunrader Pleasanter View Bridge Sedona/Widespot


This bridge will also fit my custom version of the Sedona terrain that I use for Widespot. Widespot is one of my personal favorites so I’m happy to get this out to other fans. I hope you guys enjoy it!


Sorry to say, Riverblossom is a bit of a problem, but no matter, we have a couple of options. You may not have noticed with all that snow, but this is how the game generated bridge sticks up over the road in Riverblossom. Yikes!

This happens because the SC4 file for Riverblossom has some street risers that bump the road up, and those do not translate into Sims 2 so they leave this gap. Apparently, the issue was overlooked when the game was made. Again, maybe it was all the snow.

Anywho, I debated what to do about this, and, finally decided I just couldn’t, in good “creator conscience,” release a bridge that would fit over this monstrosity, so if you want to use one of my bridges, please use Hood Replace to delete the original game bridge first.

If you delete the game generated bridge first, but leave the terrain as it is, you can replace the Riverblossom bridge with the Sedona/Widespot bridge. It will place most accurately if you start with the grabby part on the town side of the river.


The Sedona/Widespot bridge for the raised terrain is also available in Thief textures, nice for historical hoods. The textures were added by niamh-sims (I didn’t even know what Thief textures were!) as part of a Secret Santa exchange, and I remapped the bridge to suit them better. It came out quite nice, I think.


Pleasanter View NH Bridge | Sedona-size Thief-texture


This is ok, but I’m still not crazy about that version, myself, because it makes no geological sense to me to have bumps like that on both sides of a river. I prefer to replace the Riverblossom terrain with this one that levels that section by the river.


Riverblossom Terrain Replacement | Level Bridge


Then you can replace the game bridge on level ground with a new Riverblossom bridge.


Pleasanter View NH Bridge | Riverblossom on Level Ground



As far as I’ve noticed, Pleasantview, Sedona, and Riverblossom are all the Maxis terrains with game generated bridges. If not, please let me know and I’ll make more! I’m now making some nice custom shapes that will be Maxis match with my new add-on bridge pieces. Stay tuned!

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