Sunrader’s Corner Country Church Shell

I really like the classic country look of twoflower’s Apple Grove Wedding Chapel, but I wanted it to be just a little country church, not a wedding venue.

I also wanted a residential lot with a modern straight-walled basement for the clergy to live in and a real corner lot, with use of both roads, so I rebuilt this lot from the ground up and adjusted the proportions and steeple design while I was at it. This is a totally new lot, only based on her style.

I left off the reception hall area and rebuilt the lot with a straight wall basement.

I added a second road so the church sits on a functional corner.

I’ve included HugeLunatic’s straight passage stair that is needed to make the basement door work (use the invisible recolor), but there is no other CC. This is an undecorated shell for you to customize as you like. I’ve just done the fussy technical building with Grid Adjuster and Lot Adjuster.

For a real “church” experience on my own version, I use the Opportunity Lectern, Meeting Controller, and Need Freak to keep the sims there happily, autonomously, listening to the “sermon.” (There’s no actual sect associated with this in my game. There are icons from various world religions in my lot. All are welcome.)

In my game, I use Ailias’s pews because they are the best size I’ve seen for this layout. Also, in my game, I’ve created a custom deco door for the clergy’s closet. The one in the pic is one of HL’s that I used to use.

At first, I used 2nd story OMSPs to raise the lights to the second story while still lighting the ground floor, but now, I’ve modified and enlarged Maxis lights as two-story lights so OMSPs are no longer needed.

I’ve also now created a white recolor of the large window in back. I still need one OMSPs to place a shrub where the ground slopes near the back stairs.

In the space next to mine, I’ve put a small graveyard where you could have an admin building, house, parking lot, or, I guess, a wedding venue.

This is built in a clean, empty game, free of Super Hug Bug, but still cleaned with SimPE, Lot Cleaner, and Clean Installer.

Known issue: Lots manipulated with Grid Adjuster can lose their thumbnail in the lot catalog. I’ve given it a nice one, but if it turns blue, that’s why, annoying, but harmless.

Corner Church Lot – Shell

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