Maxis Lights Made 2-Story

Because not every high ceiling needs a chandelier, I’ve modded my favorite lights to make them two-story.

These are new meshes based on manipulated Maxis ones. I’ve adjusted the proportions to make them visually suit a second story light better. There are three files in the download.

The “Globe” light, the Lucitious Hanging Pendant, raised to second story, longer wire, and larger globe, RP2MX (repositoried to Maxis) so it will pick up your recolors.

The dangling florescent light, also larger with longer chain, also RP2MX, plus a black recolor, which I felt was oddly missing from the Maxis colors.

All are together for convenience in downloading, but you can delete what you don’t want. They all work separately.

Maxis Lights Made 2-story

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