Justa Deco Door

I know there have been other deco doors, but I wanted one with a door jamb that would be very easy to place on the wall.

Doll-sized Highchair with Bear

Cute alert! This was the first idea I had for a new object when I started working with meshes. It’s deco that I made for my playhouse lot, a doll-sized

Pleasanter View Neighborhood Bridge

Pleasantview ought to have a great view, right? Then, how come, when we enter a lot, the iconic bridge turns into a gaping hole? Yeah, I didn’t get it either, so I fixed it!

Broom & Dustpan – Upcycled CC

I really enjoy working with some of the older creations from the community to make them new again. This new mesh was inspired by, and incorporates, an old object I’ve enjoyed in my game for years.

Fuel Can – New Mesh

In keeping with my strange obsession with street details, here is a five gallon gas can I made for my tiny fueling station.

Maxis Lights Made 2-Story

Because not every high ceiling needs a chandelier, I’ve modded my favorite lights to make them two-story.

Larger, Growing Oleander

I needed a larger shrub for my playhouse lot and really wanted more variety in sizes so it would look a bit more natural.