I prefer to terraform in SC4 rather than use the neighborhood modify cheat, but that can be difficult if I want to match Criquette’s train slopes.
Downloads that contain objects found in the Build catalog in game or used primarily in building.
Maxis Lights Made 2-Story
Because not every high ceiling needs a chandelier, I’ve modded my favorite lights to make them two-story.
Larger, Growing Oleander
I needed a larger shrub for my playhouse lot and really wanted more variety in sizes so it would look a bit more natural.
Warm & Cool
Default Dance Floor Colors
I don’t like the garish dance floor colors we get by default, so I made a floor with warm colors to better suit the decor of my hot dance club.
Terms of Use
I spend boocoodles of time and energy on my creations. Just for the joy of creation, sure. For love of the game, sure. For my reward in heaven… yeah… sure. But credit is nice, too.
Wall to Match Maxis Stone Fence
Apparently, I’m still obsessed with tiny details for my Rest Stop. This time I needed a wall to match my fence.